Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2016

Week 4,What Movie Do You Like And Give Motivation In Your Life ?

Hopefully the mother in deat god

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Be assured what you are looking for is something that will you find also.A artwork in the give a massage useful to someone watching.Hopefully the mother in deat god the film is actor fedi nuril and shandy aulia.
The story is about a young man who loved kids,but instead changing ortherwise in children be changed since a sea of the accident happened and a young man was failed to help the child so that the children died in vain ,the young man was felt guilty and left kinarsih her lover because they feel he didn’t deserve to kinarsih.

Then the young man was escape into in island the young man was dringking hard and often are drunk  and do not have the direction and purpose.When the young man met a pair of husband and wife were very  rich on the island,the husband and wife is asked the young man was to be a teacher her son named jasmine.Jasmine have the limitations of her physdical blind,deaf and  dump so jasmin often angry because the case when the young man are drunk and teach jasmine with a very rude.Slowly the young man realized and turn out to better after yes already started to recognize jasmine Well.

Why i chose this film,The reason that the film is a lot of give me motivation about to undergo that is a life.Rose  from a story adrak past,barve to stare at the future,don’t let the negative overcame you probem that happens when you can’t affrod to help to improve so do not one of the yourself if the incident makes you naver make you forget it.Don’t hates somone just because it was like with the past we.After glow brighter avoid light dark.
That’s why i chose this film as the film that i like.Thank you for want to read the results of the blog me,i hope of criticism and suggestion for the blog me is so that later i can improve the blog me.

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