Kamis, 01 Desember 2016

"Bringing Wifi To The Rural Areas" The Title Of My Speech

“Bringing Wifi To The Rural Areas”

Assalamualikum Wr.Wb...
Good afternoon and regards happiness to all of us.
Befor Starting my speech will introduce my name that we more palatable to communicate ,my name is mislaini.

I respect miss dini as the lecture courses english and I loved all my friends.
First of all shall we prayed praise and gratitude the presence of god esa.Because of a blessing and the bounty we in give health and can gathered here .Here I took a speech with the themes “Bringing Wifi to the  Rural Areas”,in the current  thenology is very important  for everyday life,because no matter how technology is a means of knowlage in life to be able to reaching the goal to the maximum and quickly.Wifi,what the hell that’s wifi ? wifi is a medium for the connection with the internet.Perhaps to in urban areas wifi already familiar again even been dailly food,but for residents in the villages wifi that’s a dream  there are but diffcult in can .To call it diffcult to find the tissue especially to the internet.Even school children in the village  to perform  tasks can only be able to reference of  a book due tho use the internet very diffcult.

To that’s is me as the villages called to hold socialiszation to the village ,so taht the citiens and school children is no diffcult to internet with there are wifi.The school easy to perform tasks that they can reference is not just of the book,for that let us together doing this so we can see the smile that there are in their faces.

Maybe it was  bit of my speech about wifi,less and the more i’m sorry.

Assalamualikum Wr.Wb.. 

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