Jumat, 16 Desember 2016

Ketapang is a Tourist Town, Here I Recommend a Wonderful Place to Visit.

Assalamualikum wr.wb 
       Here I will tell you a bit about my hometown.

History and Origin of Formation of Ketapang ,Ketapang is a second-level region in the province of West Kalimantan.city ​​district is located 
in the city of Ketapang, a city located on the banks of the River Pawan.

      This district has an area of ​​35 809 km²
In the reign of the Dutch East Indies, since 1936 Ketapang is one area that is part of the 
residency of West Kalimantan.Ketapang city located in the province of West Kalimantan.
 Ketapang city located on the banks of Pawan and is the capital of Ketapang.A prominent
 tourist attraction is a tourist attraction associated with natural potential and exotica 

     The first is Ketapang is not yet widely known, especially in the tourism sector, but local 
authorities have always tried to promote tourism in order Ketapang the more people who know
 for Ketapang also has the potential of not less with other cities in Kalimantan are
 worth a visit.an interesting place and deserves to be visited in the city of Ketapang is as
 follows among,What's interesting is the Sawi Island marine life and the beautiful
 natural scenery. The island began to beused as a tourist attraction by the local 
government in 2009.

      The island is often referred to by the name of Angel Island because it has a
 crystal-clear sea water, making various biota occupants below the sea surface
can be seen very clearly.What's more, the beach on the island is a turtle habitat and protected as
 endangered leatherback, green and hawksbill turtles.
The beauty combined with white sand stretches and natural scenery around is so natural makes
 this place so fascinating.

      The second is Belandang cape coast is one of the area attractions such as the beach is located on the River 
Cloud, Matan Hilir Subdistrict North, Ketapang, 
Tourism is one of community pride Ketapang. The beach is always crowded by tourists,
 especially on holidays. in pantain is not only beautiful beaches but bise place for camping, motorcycle races. found
 in this coastal area. In addition, there are also some outbound rides that can be 
enjoyed by visitors such as flying fox, rope nets, suspension bridges, bamboo oblique
 and others.

      And the third is Keraton kingdom Matan
Kraton is a palace of the ruler or the area where a ruler (king or queen) ruled.
This just might be that I can recommend a wonderful place to visit, I hope the reader can stop for
 a moment to see the beauty of the city ketapang.
Waalaikumsalam wr.wb

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